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Panama Hats

καπέλο panama hats

About PANAMA: PANAMA hats are made from palm tree leaves called PAJA TOQUILLA PALM (scientific name Carludovica palmata). Η πρώτη ύλη παράγεται στο ΕΚΟΥΑΔΟΡ (ΙΣΗΜΕΡΙΝΟΣ) και η πλέξη του καπέλου σε πρωτογενής στάδιο πραγματοποιείται από γηγενείς τεχνίτες, το τελικό προϊόν μας δε (σχήμα, στολισμός κτλ.) διαμορφώνεται στην Ισπανία. Όλα τα καπέλα PANAMA έχουν στο εσωτερικό τους σφραγίδα γνησιότητας ότι κατασκευάζονται στο Εκουαδόρ. Άλλη ονομασία των καπέλων είναι Jipijapa, Toquilla, Ecuadorian Hat.


PANAMA HISTORY: There are two true versions for the name of the PANAMA hats.century the hats were sold to goldsmiths traveling through Panama to California during the historic California Gold Rush, and at the same time Ecuadorian hat makers themselves migrated to Panama, where they managed to achieve much higher trading volumes. Travelers told people who admired their hats that they bought them in Panama. Thus, hats quickly became known as "Panama hats". The name 'PANAMA' was also further strengthened by President Theodore Roosevelt's trip to oversee the construction of the Panama Canal in 1906. PANAMA hats have been considered the "Prince of Straw Hats" since 19th century. Their reputation was further cemented by Edward VII, Napoleon III and many others.

Famous fans of Panama Hats

Edward VII, Napoleon III, President Theodore Roosevelt, Clark Gable, Graham Green, Mark Twain, Keira Knightly, Kate Moss, Johnny Depp

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